Lesson-1: Tips For Safe And Secure Relocation 
Whether it is your household items, office items or car or any other vehicle, if a reliable mover is selected, then the items can reach the moving destination place safely. Pay attention to the given aspects for safe and secure shifting service:-
- Get a detailed description of the moving company's office. Find out if their office is in real or not. In the list of www.caremymove.com, you will find the offices or branches of each mover.
- For security, you must check the company's profile and their past. For this, do not just go to their website, because there is a lot of difference between them and real.
- Make sure to read the payment term conditions by getting them sent to your mail. Get Quotations with Extra Churches by mail and also get updates from the same mail.
- Keep asking frequently for the shifting location of your items.
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Pet Transport Company In India, Pet Relocation Services in India, Storage Service in Delhi,
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Trusting any moving company can be dangerous for you. Keep in mind - especially older companies nowadays bother a little more. And they don't even care that your stuff might break. Even when the police take action against them, there is no effect on them. High shop faded dish. That's why always read the terms and conditions.
Lesson-2: Froud Transport Companies 
Top Quality Packer Movers | Top Rating Packer Movers in India
Top Quality Packer Movers | Top Rating Packer Movers in India
In today's time people are working less and looting is going on more. We can't do anything to save them, but if we act wisely ourselves, something can happen. In Shifting, we can give you some tips to avoid getting scammed, or weed out any movers according to your location from our website.
- Nothing happens just by making an office, along with this you will also have to find out the background of that company and its reality. For this you have to find out from their neighbors. Keep in mind that these movers will be mostly found outside the office. You don't need an appointment for this, you just need to find out from their neighbors. For this you have to go not as a customer, but as a visitor.
- Do a search on www.consumercomplaints.in about the mowers you have selected.
- You can also find out by checking that the name of which companies have bill book or billy copy in their office. If there is more than one, the scope for suspicion increases, but you may not be able to do this test.
We will not be able to find out the reality of a company without using it because neither there is so much time nor so much hard work. But don't worry, "www.caremymove.com" has figured it out. For you, we have already prepared a list of Packer Movers and transport companies after checking and putting them on our website along with the location. You can give any of these contracts openly. All this will not let you down.
Lesson-3: Original and Proper Documentation
Find Top Quality Packer Movers | Find Top Rating Packer Movers in India
Find Top Quality Packer Movers | Find Top Rating Packer Movers in India
There is no doubt that 60% of the moving companies are such that they will hide their original documents or will not tell you. We tell you which are the documents that are submitted or filled by the moving service. Some such documents also tell which are necessary and where they are useful.
- Quotation:- Company Name with Logo, Phone Number/Mobile Number, Office Address, Profational E-Mail ID, GSTIN No., Request Date, Valid till Date, Work Description, From to Destination Detail with Contact, Delevery Date, Crate ID/S.N., Freight Rate +Charges +GST +Insurance + Other Charges if Yes -Any Discount, Advanced Pyment, Balanced Payment, Company Stamp and Sign, Notes, Turms & Conditions With Company Approved Stamp and Sign.
- LR/GR:- Lorry Receipt or Goods Receipt Notes. It used in case of goods transport by road which is handed over to a transporting agency or carrier.Once the goods get loaded on the vehicle for Delivery, 3 or 5 copies (as per requirement) this receipt is prepared by the transporter.
- Bilty:- Company Name with Logo, Phone Number/Mobile Number, Office Address, Profational E-Mail ID, GSTIN No., Insurance Detail, Work Description, No of Packeges and Description, Weight, From to Destination Detail with Contact, Pick Up and Delevery Date, Crate ID/S.N., Payment Detail, Company Stamp and Sign, Notes, Your Sign, Turms & Conditions With Company Approved Stamp and Sign, Your Sign with comment.
- Car Condition Notes:- It is for Car or Bike Transportation Document for the condition when you gave to movers/transporter.
- Payment Receipt
- Handover Format with clearance
These correct documents come in handy when the time comes. Do not forget to put the moving company's sign and stamp in any document. If you have not seen the company's office, then if possible, go to the company's office or warehouse after going behind your goods to see whether the goods are kept safe or not.
Lesson-4:- Safe From Dangerous Transport Aspect 
Profational Packer Movers in India
Profational Packer Mover service in Inda
As we have said before, 60% of the moving companies are such companies that cheat, such as: - First the quotation is something else and later the bill has some other matter. By taking a contract in cheap service, charging a lot of service charges on it, collect more than double the money. Many customers have got upset with them. You are most requested to get the quotations ordered with all the services whenever you want. Take them on the confirmation mail in advance that no more services will be added later than this.
Apart from this, no one becomes responsible for the broken feet of your belongings. Everyone postpones or stops picking up the phone. For this, you should get them packed in front of you and do not let more than 80% or 90% of the payment go through. Read the instructions of your insurance carefully. Keep the insurance information complete and don't waste your packing material. Be careful, be safe
You choose the packer mowers given by us and also inform us about it. In the list of many packer mowers and car transporters given by us, you will find reliable mowers, you can sort them out and give them a contract, in which you will not find such mowers who cheat.